Meaning: I sometimes hang out with my older sister.とtoきkiどdoきkiあaねneとtoあaそsoびbiまmaすsu遊びます(あそびます)Asobimasu놀아요 (놀아요) hang outでdeかkaけkeまmaすsuhttps://japanesetest4you.com/flashcard/learn-jlpt-n5-vocabulary-%E5%87%BA%E3%81%8B%E3%81%91%E3%82%8B-dekakeru/Meaning: On Saturdays, I go out with Naomi.
まmaいiにniちchiおoよyoぎgiまmaすsuかkaMeaning: Do you swim every day?ひhiとtoりriでde本honをo読yoみmiまmaすsu。Ireadbooksbymyselfしゅshuうuまmaつtsuはwaおoんnがgaくkuをoきkiきkiまmaすsu。よyoくkuひhiとtoりriでdeおoよyoぎgiまmaすsu。まmaいiにniちchiひhiとtoりriでdeばbaんnごgoはhaんnをoたtaべbeまmaすsu。
추나요법을 시행한 특발성 척추측만증 환자 30 례에 관한 임상적 고찰Clinical Study on Idiopathic Scoliosis with Massotherapy추나요법을 시행한 특발성 척추측만증 환자 30 례에 관한 임상적 고찰페이스북 트위터 RSS신영일(Young Il Shin) , 이병렬(Byung Ryul Lee) , 홍권의(Kwon Eui Hong) , 양기영(Ki Young Yang) , 이현(Hyun Lee)Objective : The purpose of this study was to inspect the ef…
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