
신경초낭종 perineural cyst

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대한척추외과학회지 제 15 권 제 3 호 Journal of Korean Spine Surg. Vol. 15, No. 3, pp 199~203, 2008 - 199 - Address reprint requests to Young-Soo Jang, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hanil General Hospital, Ssangmun dong 388-1, Dobong gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: 82-11-9752-4399, Fax: 82-2-900-3075, E-mail: pooljang105@hanmail.net 상부 요추에 발생한 신경초 낭종 - 1예 보고 - 라종득∙장영수∙박현수∙김종원∙이병훈∙신민석∙정재욱 한일병원 정형외과 Perineural Cyst in Upper Lumbar Spine - A Case Report - Jong-Deuk Rha, M.D., Young-Soo Jang, M.D., Hyun-Soo Park, M.D., Jong Won Kim, M.D., Byung-Hoon Lee, M.D., Min-Sok Shin, M.D., Jae-Wook Jung, M.D. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hanil General Hospital, Seoul, Korea – Abstract – Spinal perineural cyst rarely appears in the upper lumbar spinal region as compared it occurrence at other spinal region. These cysts seldom cause radiating pain and neurologic symptoms because the majority of these cysts involve the sacral portion of the spine. Spinal perineural cyst can be recognized incidentally on magnetic resonance imaging while differentiating other diseases that cause back pain. The differential diagnosis of symptoms is needed to rule out whether or not the intraspinal cystic mass is the actual cause of radiculopathy. We report here on a case of perineural cyst at a left neural foramen of L2-3 and the patient displayed neurologic manifestations. The patient had progressively aggravated low back pain and sciatica of two years duration. MRI well demonstrated neural compression of the left 2nd lumbar neural root. Relief of symptoms were achieved by performing posterior decompression (hemilaminectomy, fascectomy & decompression of the ligamentum flavum), excision of the cyst and posterolateral fusion of L2-3. Key Words: Lumbar Spine, Perineural cyst, MRI






요, 천추 신경초 낭종(lumbosacral perineural cyst)은 척 수 경막내 신경근의 지주막(arachnoid membrane)으로 구 성된 낭종으로서 대부분 임상증상을 동반하지 않는다고 알려져 있으며4,10), 천추에서 호발한다고 알려져 있다4,5). 요통 및 하지방사통의 신경증상을 동반하는 대개의 추 간판 질환을 의심할 수 있으나, 흔치 않은, 요추 2-3번 신 경공에서 발생한 신경초 낭종의 한 증례를 접하였으며, 치료에 있어 단순 감압술이 아닌 재발 및 신경 증상 치 료를 위해 후방 감압술 및 낭종의 제거술이 필요하며 이 에 낭종의 위치와 술자의 숙련도를 고려하여 충분한 술 전 계획을 세운 후 시행하여야 할 것으로 생각된다


낭종은 대부분 원위부 관절 주위조직으로부터 발생하는데, 
척추강내에 발생하는 척추후관절낭종은 비교적 드물게 보고
되고 있다1). 증상은 낭종이 신경을 압박하여 나타나는데 낭
종의 위치에 따라서 요통 및 하지 방사통을 유발한다. 척추
강내 낭종의 발생원인은 관절의 퇴행성 변화, 외상 및 류마
티즘 등의 여러 가지 가설이 있으나 주로 척추관절의 퇴행
성변화와 크게 연관이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근에는 
최신 영상진단의 발전으로 척추후관절낭종은 정확히 진단되
고 있으며, 조직학적으로는 활액낭(synovial cyst)과 결절
종(ganglion)으로 구분되는데 임상적으로는 크게 의미를 두
지 않는다. 치료법으로 낭종의 자발적인 소멸, 경피적 흡입
술, 스테로이드 주사 등의 보존적 치료가 있으며 대부분 수
술적 치료 성적이 좋은 것으로 알려져 있다3).


요추부 척추후관절 낭종의 수술적 치료
연세대학교 의과대학 신경외과학교실, 영동세브란스병원 척추센터 
The Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Facet Cyst 
Byoung Jin Moon, M.D., Sung Uk Kuh, M.D., Dong Kyu Chin, M.D., 
Young Sul Yoon, M.D., Yong Eun Cho, M.D., Young Soo Kim, M.D. 
Department of Neurosurgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 
Objective:We report an analysis of the clinical outcome of surgical treatment of lumbar facet cyst. 
Methods:From March, 1996 to June, 2001, we analyzed the symptom and sign, cyst level, combined disease, 
treatment method, pathology and surgical result(Prolo’s scale) of 11 patients. 
Results:Mean age of 11 patients was 55.6 years and mean follow up duration was 27 months. Of 11 patients, six cases had low back pain and five cases had radiating leg pain as chief complaint. Five had only 
facet cyst that compressed the nerve root without other combined diseases. Of six patients who had facet cyst 
with combined disease, three had intraspinal stenosis and the remaining three had spondylolytic spondylolisthesis. There was one case of bilateral facet cyst. We had totally excised facet cyst and treated combined 
degenerative disease such as lumbar stenosis, lumbar instability or spondylolytic spondylolithesis. The pathologic result were synovial cyst for eight cases and ganglion for three cases. In all cases, symptoms improved 
without complication or recurrence. 
Conclusion:Surgical outcome of lumbar facet cyst is good and surgical intervention is recommended in facet 
cyst with back pain, radiculopathy and combined degenerative diseases. 
KEY WORDS:Facet cyst·Synovial cyst·Ganglion·Surgical treatment






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